PROCOLCACAO is perhaps the only company that, overcoming immense difficulties and red tape, has managed to derive for ACIMPROAC cocoa producers in the municipality of El Carmen planned government benefit for the first harvest of 2014. With this help cocoa farmers high quality they have achieved up to 800 additional pesos per kilogram PROCOLCACAO negotiated.
We encourage all cacaoteros of Colombia to inform themselves, to contact, work with us and find in this business option a real opportunity to progress.
PROCOLCACAO approaches its third year of age. The company was formally established in Bogota – Colombia in September 2011, the impetus and entrepreneurship of some people dedicated to the study and understanding of the cultivation, harvesting, processing and marketing of cocoa in Colombia and the world.
With this effort PROCOLCACAO has begun a lasting relationship with different producer organizations throughout the country, with whom she maintains a working agreement type “win win” in which cocoa producers of high quality and excellent qualifications receive higher prices for their product and have additional commercial advantages. They highlighted in this context producer organizations in the departments of Santander – municipality of El Carmen – Arauca – Saravena – and more recently in the basin of Cauca Patia River. Over time it is expected to join the business model PROCOLCACAO producers of Cundinamarca, Boyaca and southern Bolivar and eventually parfticipe the vast majority of cocoa from Colombia. Before 5 years it is expected to work with a total of 3,500 producers.
Approaching its third year PROCOLCACAO firm expects to start export business markets that allow privileged place in excellent grain produced in Colombia. Already today successfully participates in the national cocoa market offering a product of extra quality, from which has managed to select buyers who recognize the quality and pay premium prices differentiated operating on behalf of the producer. It seeks to conquer the foreign market, with the hope that the benefits of price differential promote the improvement of the quality of life of farmers and the modernization of post-harvest processes, which are the foundation of quality.
PROCOLCACAO successfully participates in the Macrorueda 50 called by PROEXPORT for the export sector of Colombia. The company is part of a list of nearly 2,500 exporters within which occupies privileged position within food exporters, particularly cocoa and derived products. PROCOLCACAO agendo in the macro a total of 18 business meetings with foreign buyers from a total of 11 countries and finally took a total of 24 appointments.
The work of understanding with foreign buyers are carefully maintained over time so that different export business can materialize. The countries which have remained open and thriving business initiatives are Germany – Netherlands – Denmark – Canada – United States – Costa Rica – Venezuela – Panama and Chile. It is expected that within two years PROCOLCACAO may be exporting cocoa beans of exceptional quality and other derivatives in the order of $ 2 million.
Recipe cupcakes with buttercream vanilla cocoa. Recipe blog repostera Alma Obregon Cupcake Objective perfect. For this recipe we need oil, eggs, flour, sugar, yeast, milk, vanilla, icing sugar, butter, cocoa butter and chocolate vermicelli
Receta de cupcakes de vainilla con buttercream de cacao. Receta de la repostera Alma Obregón del blog Objetivo Cupcake perfecto. Para esta receta necesitamos aceite, huevos, harina, azúcar, levadura, leche, vainilla, icing sugar, mantequilla, crema de cacao y fideos de chocolate