Facilitate and strengthen premium, fine flavor and aroma cacao cultivation in a sustainable integral model that allows the reduction of poverty and the improvement of the quality of life of peasant families, as an economic alternative in postconflict, based on conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity in Colombia.
Being a leading, strengthened organization, recognized in the local, national and international market for the quality of our products, the transparent execution of sustainable projects that respond to the needs of the communities, providing the producers with a plan to improve their quality of life With educational agreements and training.
Política de calidad
To achieve the quality we offer, we develop the following strategic actions:
We advise, assist and support Colombian farmers in the production of the best species of cacao fine in flavor and aroma to extend their market in the countries of the world.
We provide technical and technological training programs that help the cacao producer in the task of fermenting, drying and selecting the best cocoa in Colombia, creating a permanent training system that is fed by the experience of the producer and the knowledge of PROCOLCACAO technicians
We promote good practices in post harvest of the best cacao beans to ensure a high quality that allows us to reach the best markets with the best price conditions, to the benefit of the producers.